
Today’s date of 21 November 2018 marks exactly 100 years since legislation received royal assent giving British women over the age of 21 the right to stand as a Member of Parliament: to lead and to shape the country. We’re incredibly excited to be launching our executive maternity wear brand on this powerful anniversary.


Our inaugural dresses – Emmeline and Amelia – are designed to celebrate two legendary trailblazers for women’s rights. But they have another link.


Emmeline Pankhurst – who fought for women to gain the right to vote – believed that her birthday coinciding with Bastille Day had some kind of influence over her life and its course. Emmeline’s funeral took place on the same day that Amelia Earhart’s fete of becoming the first woman to cross the Atlantic in an aeroplane took place. In a way, the symbolism continued – Emmeline passing on the baton to another trailblazer.


Cazzana was born in 2018, 100 years since women gained the right to vote and to stand in parliament, and 90 years since Amelia crossed the Atlantic. The year also marked the introduction of gender pay gap reporting in the UK. We hope that this birth-year will influence Cazzana’s course in years to come. We’re passionate about championing more women to becomes leaders, to sit in boardrooms, to help our companies become better run and more profitable, to help women reach their full potential.

Cazzana has seven core values that are ingrained in all we do:

  • Empowerment: the empowerment of women who shall continue to be as influential as ever during their maternity. Empowered women who have the strength, confidence, ambition, poise and fiery spirit to live their life to its greatest potential, without regret.

  • Autonomy: independence – freedom – to live however as we choose, to challenge ourselves, to lead, to enjoy adventures, to feel alive, to shoot for the stars.

  • Network: a community of like-minded women helping each other to reach the summit, and celebrating with each other when we do.

  • Courage: to embrace imminent changes to our bodies, our lives and to our future. The nerve and the grit to succeed.

  • Optimism: for positive change, for a better society that doesn’t discriminate based on gender or maternity, for women who lead by example. Optimism that the status quo can change, and will change.

  • Style: when we look our best, we feel our best, we act our best. Professional and fun, black and bold, stylish garments for the professional and effervescent woman who wants to take centre stage.

  • Lifelong learning: to fulfil potential and to grow. Recognising that continual learning leads to success. Encouraging women to challenge themselves, and risk and accept the failures along the way on the learning curve to achievement.

We’re equally dedicated to running a business with fabrics made or sourced in Britain, designs made in Britain, and garments manufactured in Britain. We instruct a London-based manufacturer with strong ethical and environmental credentials. We’re minimising our impact on the world so that you can maximise yours.

In addition to our garments, we shall also issue blog posts with the aim of empowering pregnant women in the workplace on many topical issues, with advice on subjects ranging from confidence to personal branding.

Amy Chesson